Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
    8171 Dynamic Survey NADRA Check Online New Update

    8171 Dynamic Survey NADRA

    For the 8171 Dynamic Survey NADRA, you first have to verify your eligibility. You must have your NADRA-issued identity card with you to verify eligibility. By sending your ID card number to helpline number 8171 you will be able to check your eligibility instantly. You will receive a confirmation 

    message from helpline number 8171, in which you will know your eligibility.

    • After verifying the eligibility you have to visit for Ehsaas Dynamic Registration on the given date.
    • If you want to avoid long queues, you have to reach Ehsaas Center on time.
    • You will be able to complete your registration.
    • You have to reach the Ehsaas center on time with all your necessary documents.
    • You will be issued a token and after that, you have to wait your turn in the waiting room.
    • You will be called on your turn.
    • On reaching the registration desk you will be asked for necessary information.
    • You will be asked about your household information which you have to answer correctly.
    • After that, you have to submit all your documents to the representative.

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    Important Note

    Remember that you have to provide all your information correctly, in case of incorrect information, legal action may be taken against you and you may lose the assistance from the Ehsaas program.

    • After that, your survey will be completed and you will be eligible to get assistance from the BISP program.
    • You will be informed about the payment from helpline number 8171.

    Necessary Documents for Ehsaas Dynamic Registration

    If you want successful registration then you have to bring and submit all your required documents. These documents play an important role in ensuring your registration and you can benefit from assistance as soon as possible after registration in them

    • Your identity card issued by NADRA
    • Children’s B.Form
    • Identity card of a widow after the death of her husband
    • Nadra updated identity card of the woman after the divorce
    • Disability Identity Card for Persons with Disabilities
    • etc. is necessary, and with these documents, you will be able to complete your registration easily.

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    Ehsaas Dynamic Survey

    Initially, the NSER team conducted house-to-house surveys, but the Government of Pakistan has expanded it. Now, for dynamic surveys, all people go to the Ehsaas Center, register after completing their own survey, and get the benefit of assistance money.

    You will get payment after a dynamic survey from your nearest BISP center.

    Ehsaas Dynamic Registration For Special Persons

    Maryam Nawaz expressed sympathy for the poor and said that it hurts me to see elderly people standing in queues. So, a registration day has been fixed for special people. On that day, all people will be able to register easily without any waiting.

    Elderly people do not have to stand in long queues due to frailty and face many problems to get their registration done. Maryam Nawaz, understanding their pain, fixed a weekday for the elderly. Only senior citizens can ensure their registration on this day. The elderly are part of our nation, it is our duty to fulfill their needs. A day has been fixed for their registration to fulfill this duty.

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    8171 ڈائنامک سروے نادرا

    مریم نواز نے غریبوں سے ہمدردی کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ بزرگوں کو قطاروں میں کھڑے دیکھ کر دکھ ہوتا ہے، اس لیے خصوصی افراد کے لیے رجسٹریشن کا دن مقرر کیا گیا ہے۔ اس دن تمام لوگ بغیر کسی انتظار کے اپنی رجسٹریشن آسانی سے کروا سکیں گے۔

      عمر رسیدہ افراد کمزوری کی وجہ سے لمبی قطاروں میں کھڑے ہونے سے قاصر ہیں اور اکثر رجسٹریشن کے لیے پیچھے رہ جاتے ہیں۔ مریم نواز نے ان کے درد کو سمجھتے ہوئے بزرگوں کے لیے ہفتے کا دن مقرر کر دیا۔ اس دن صرف بزرگ شہری ہی اپنی رجسٹریشن کو یقینی بناسکتے ہیں۔ بزرگ ہماری قوم کا حصہ ہیں، ان کی ضروریات پوری کرنا ہمارا فرض ہے۔ اس فرض کی تکمیل کے لیے ان کی رجسٹریشن کے لیے ایک دن مقرر کیا گیا ہے۔

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    New Eligibility Criteria by Maryam Nawaz

    Maryam Nawaz, who set the eligibility criteria, said that those who meet these criteria can benefit from the aid. It is important to meet the eligibility criteria.

    • In this program people whose monthly income is 60 thousand or less or more will be eligible for this program.
    •  persons who have no source of income and are Unemployed.
    • People facing extreme financial difficulties
    • Orphans who have no family to support them.
    • Widows
    • Women who are single heads of household and are facing financial difficulties.
    • Elderly people who are unemployed and dependent on others to make ends meet.
    • Disabled persons with no dependents and unemployed.
    • Such persons will be given assistance in the program. This program not only provides cash, but there are many other assistance programs under which deserving people are assisted in various ways.

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